Dust Control

Ventilation / Ventilation / Safety 0 Comment

One of the environmetal concerns for underground mines is airborne dust. If dust is inhaled into the lungs it can cause numerous health problems. The permittable levels of airborne dust can be found in the New South Wales Coal Mining Regulations Act 1982 (CMRA 1982). (Also available as pdf)

There are several techniques used in order to control the amount of airborne dust in the mine environment:

  • Prevention and Control – Minimizing the production of dust by mining machines
  • Dilution – Use of adequate ventialtion
  • Suppression – Use of water sprays and other techniques
  • Changing the operator’s position – Use of remote control operation of certain machinery
  • Personnel Protection – Use of dust respirators.

Dust Control Handbook (pdf)

This handbook describes effective methods for the control of mineral dusts in mines and tunnels. It assumes the reader is familiar with mining. The first chapter deals solely with dust control methods, regardless of the application. It is a brief tutorial on mining dust control and will be of help to the reader whose dust control problem does not conveniently fit any of the mining equipment niches described in later chapters.

Author(s): Kissell-FN
Reference: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-147, Information Circular 9465, 2003 Jun; :1-131